[20.08.11] SingaPOP!

Never mind I have never been successful in balloting for NDP tickets my entire life; this time I got tickets to SingaPOP! the concert to celebrate 50 years of pop music in Singapore. The star-studded lineup includes Dick Lee (who is also the creative director for the concert!), Tay Kewei, Taufik Batisah, Olivia Ong, Ah Du and Kit Chan!

I arrived at the Promontory@Marina Bay bright and early. Though the makeshift seats were less than comfortable, the air was stuffy and the skies threatened to open up, these little irks were quickly forgotten once the music started.

The opening songs from the 60s-80s were easy-to-like though unfamiliar and the vitality of some of these artistes were really impressive. It wasn’t too long before we reached the 90s and the crowd went rapturous with the introduction of Kit Chan. The familiar opening notes for her first hit single 心痛 gave me the goosebumps as I stood mesmerized by her sincere and evocative vocals.

The night just got better with the appearance of one of my favourite local artiste - Ah Du singing also his first hit single 他一定很爱你. In every phase of our lives, there are these few theme songs that can evoke the memories and emotions associated with that period; this is one song that brings me back to the carefree yet purposeful freshman year in university.

In the closing act, all the artistes came on stage and belted out the all-time favourite NDP theme song – Home, concluding the lovely musical journey from the 60s to present. I feel deeply honoured to be in the audience.

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